Results For Category: "Uncategorized"

Build, Don’t Break!

There’s a mainstream belief that in order to “be healthy and strong” you need to be pushing yourself to the max in…

If You Don’t Think I Can Help You, You’re Right!

And you wouldn’t be alone.  I’m not the right coach for everyone. There have been a lot of people that I have…

Vitality & Vigor: The Lasting Benefits of Muscle!

Eager to keep that youthful vibe and look as the years roll by? You’re not alone! Staying youthful is what many of…

How To Keep Yourself Fired Up For Fitness

In the journey of fitness, motivation is more than a word; it’s the fuel that drives us. Many believe that motivation is…

We Don’t Do Sales.

I bet you don’t believe me, but it’s true. I bet you’re thinking, “you’re a business, there’s no way you don’t have…

Why Penance Gym is Appealing to Women, Part 4 – Independence

At Penance, our female clients outnumber our male clients almost 3-to-1. And if you asked each woman what she gets from training…

Does Fat Make You Fat?

We’ve been asked this question so many times: Does fat make you fat? The one-word answer is “no.” So why do so…

The Untapped Potential of Strength Training for Youths

In recent years, the fitness landscape has been experiencing a subtle shift, broadening the horizons and inviting a younger audience to participate…

You’re Making It More Complicated Than It Really Is

At its core, the basics of healthy living are incredibly simple –  movement, food, water and sleep (though, not necessarily in that…