This Week at Penance (9/4 – 9/9)

We have a shorter week for our Penance Achieve classes. This week starts with Labor Day and we will be closed, enjoy your time with friends and family, use your hard-earned health, fitness, and vitality.

So let’s jump forward to…


It’s fortunate and appropriate that we start off our week with a Durability Day as these are great for returning after a bit of time off. This 1 will be focused on our core strength & endurance and hip mobility.


On Wednesday we have our first Armor workout and Strength session, both focused on our upper pressing strength as well as lower back mobility, strength, and health.


On Thursday we see our first and only Power workout for the week, focused on challenging our leg strength and upper body pulling musculature – the workout will follow a strength benchmark to test our squatting/leg strength.


We begin to close out the week with our 2nd Durability Day, this time focused on posterior chain strength & endurance, as well as our upper body pressing capabilities.


We will finish out the week with an Armor workout and strength session focusing on our upper body pulling musculature and knee strength & health.

If you have any questions regarding our workout structures or how we could benefit you, send us an email or click that “Free Intro” button.