Progress Review Day – Why?

Let’s be honest, our style of training is not easy… and it’s not designed to be.

For those that don’t know, we believe in and follow a purposefully designed Strength-Focused Interval Training philosophy.

If you consistently show up and push yourself outside of your comfort zone, you will get stronger and improve your stamina & endurance. As this happens you will end up filling your workout time with more work/reps, likely with heavier weights too.
So it truly never feels easier.

As you could imagine, this could very easily lead to feeling a little defeated… You feel like you’re working hard, but can’t tell if it’s actually working or worth it.
In case you’re curious, we can see the progress but it’s hard to take our word for it when the work always feels hard.

This is where Progress Review Day comes in…
3 simple tests that can give you a very clear answer to the question:
“Is this even working?”

Push Ups to test our upper body relative strength.
Squats (Goblet or Double Kettlebell) to test lower body and postural strength.
And a straight-forward 10 minute strength endurance test, involving nothing more than a single DB, and some grit & determination.

This test (but really more so the re-test) can either reaffirm that your current efforts and strategy are working
It can offer a needed shot of reality and spark of motivation to invest truly in yourself, to put your best efforts into your strength & health.

Whether you do good or bad (whatever that means) nothing is concrete and permanent, we will be retesting in 13 weeks – An entirely new chance to strive for and celebrate your progress!