What to Do Between Workouts

While your sessions at Penance are the catalysts for stepping up your fitness game, the real magic happens in the downtime. Yes, the interval between your sweat sessions is when your body kicks into high gear—recovering, growing, and transforming. So, how do you make the most of this pivotal period?

Do these things between workouts to maximize the results you get from Penance.

Low-Intensity Cardio: Think of Zone 2 exercises, like a leisurely stroll or an easy bike spin, as your body’s natural detox. These activities boost circulation, ferrying nutrients to needy muscles while sweeping away the byproducts of your gym heroics, all without overburdening your system. Personal favorite for this is some low intensity kettlebell swings.

Stretching: It’s the unsung hero of recovery. Never underestimate the power of stretching. It not only helps in reducing muscle tension and increasing flexibility but also prepares your body for the next workout. Honestly, it just feels good – like giving yourself a present.

Prioritizing Sleep: Clocking in 7-8 hours of Z’s isn’t just good advice; it should be non-negotiable for health & long-term fitness. Sleep is the ultimate repair shop for your body – mending muscles, sharpening your mind, and balancing hormones. Consider it your nightly tune-up for peak performance.

Adequate Protein Intake: Aim for four palm-sized protein servings daily to support muscle repair and growth. It’s not merely about the amount but ensuring a steady supply to fuel your recovery marathon. Think of it as laying bricks for your body’s foundation for muscle tissue —one protein block at a time.

Hydration and Clean Eating: Drinking ample water and minimizing processed food intake are your secret weapons for optimal recovery. This dynamic duo works tirelessly to reduce inflammation triggered by dietary choices, helping your body to repair and rejuvenate more efficiently. It’s essentially granting your system an all-access pass to a state of enhanced recuperation, setting the stage for a stronger, more resilient you.

Your post-workout mantra? “Return stronger.” Achieve this by adopting any or all of the strategies outlined above.

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Here’s to making every moment count—inside and outside the gym. Cheers to your health!